
Beginning from year 2016 (no. 6), MMM-GI Journal will be published 

in new web site http://mmm-gi.geo-see.org


FormatAs defined by the template (Template_Paper.docx - CLICK TO DOWNLOAD). One line space between the text and heading title, two line spacing between text and heading title, and one line space between text and subheading/sub-subheading title.
Size: up to 15 pages, and up to 15MB.
LanguageEnglish or Albanian
Title: Font 12pt, Times New Roman, with capital letters, bold, in center, and single spacing. The title needs to be written in second line (one space line 12pt).
Name of the author/s: Font 11pt, Times New Roman, name with first capital letter, surname with all capital letters, bold, in center, after surname add footnote with number, single spacing, all authors in one line. Between title and name of the author, leave one line spacing with 11pt. 
Affiliations: To be written in the footnote, single spacing, font 8pt Times New Roman, in the order: degrees, Name, SURNAME (all in bold), e-mail address, new line and four space characters, institution, web address, new line and six space characters, telephone, gsm and fax numbers, new line and four space characters, address. No line spacing between footnotes.
Abstract title: With upper case letters, bold, font 11pt, Times New Roman, left text, without space in the beginning of the line, single spacing. Between title of abstract and name of the authors, two line spacing with 10pt.
Text of abstract: Font 10pt, Times New Roman, justified, single spacing, without space in the beginning of the line. The text of abstract should contain maximum 300 words (counted by “word count-no spaces”). Between the title and text of abstract, leave one line space with 9pt.
Key words: Font 11pt, Times New Roman, justified, single spacing, without space in the beginning of the line. Between the key words and text of abstract, one line spacing with 9pt.
Headings: With upper case letters, bold, font 11pt, Times New Roman, left text, without space in the beginning of the line, single spacing and numbered.
Subheadings: Bold, font 11pt, Times New Roman, left text, without space in the beginning of the line, single spacing and numbered according to number of heading.
Sub-subheadings: With bold and italic characters, font 11pt, Times New Roman, left text, without space in the beginning of the line, single spacing and numbered according to number of subheading.
Text of paper: Font 11pt, Times New Roman, justified, single spacing, without space in the beginning of the line. The text should include the Introduction as a first and Conclusions as a last chapter.
Tables: Head of the table, above the table, with font 10pt, Times New Roman, italic. Tables should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. Table to be in center, with font 10pt, Times New Roman, single spacing. Between title of table and table, one line spacing with 10pt. All tables must be cited in text.
Figures/maps: Figures-maps should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. After figure/map, its title must be written, with font 10pt, Times New Roman, italic. Between title of figure/map and figure/map, leave one line space with 10pt. All figures/maps must be cited in text.
Symbols and special characters: Use the SI (Systeme Internationale) units and symbols.
References: The Harvard referencing system is to be used. Footnotes should not be used.